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小说文学 2年前 (2022-07-15) 1219次浏览 已收录 0个评论 扫描二维码


艾伦·特罗 I would wish to declare, at the beginning of this story, that I shall never regard that cluster of islets which we call Bermuda as the Fortunate Islands of the ancients. Do not let professional geographers take me up, and say that no one has so accounted them, and that the ancients have never been supposed to have gotten themselves so far westwards. What I mean to assert is this—that, had any ancient been carried either by enterprise or stress of weather, he would not have given those islands so good a name. That the Neapolitan sailors of King Alonzo should have been wrecked here, I consider to be more likely. The vexed Bermoothes is a good name for them. There is no getting in or out of them without the greatest difficulty, and a patient, slow navigation, which is very heart-rending. That Caliban should have lived here I can imagine; that Ariel would have been sick of the place is certain; and that Governor Prospero should have been willing to abandon his governorship, I conceive to have been only natural. When one regards the present state of the place, one is tempted to doubt whether any of the governors have been conjurors since his days. 在这个故事开始前,我愿意声明一下,我永远不认为被我们称之为“百慕大”的那群岛屿是古代人的幸运之岛。不要让那些专业的地理学家们打断我的话,说什么从来没有人如此看待那些岛屿,还说什么据推测古人从来没有到过西面这么远的地方。我想要说明的是:如果任何古人,或出于冒险的目的,或迫于恶劣的天气,曾经来到过这个地方,他绝不会给这片群岛起这么好听的一个名字。若是说那不勒斯王阿朗索的水手们所驾驶的船在这里失事,我觉得倒是更可信一些。“让人烦恼的百慕德斯”这个名字很适合这片群岛。不经过千难万险是不可能进出这片岛屿的,这航行速度迟缓,需要长期忍受苦难,会让人感觉心急如焚。可以想象凯列班曾住在这里,也不难猜到阿里尔肯定会厌恶这个地方,至于普洛斯彼罗公爵愿意放弃做总督的机会来到这里,在我看来是很自然的事。看到这里的现状,人们会忍不住怀疑,自从普洛斯彼罗之后,岛上还有哪位总督继承了他那样的法力。 Bermuda, as all the world knows, is a British colony at which we maintain a convict establishment. Most of our outlying convict establishments have been sent back upon our hands from our colonies, but here one is still maintained. There is also in the islands a strong military fortress, though not a fortress looking magnificent to the eyes of civilians, as do Malta and Gibraltar. There are also here some six thousand white people and some six thousand black people, eating, drinking, sleeping, and dying. 大家所知道的百慕大是英国的一个殖民地,在那里还设有我们的一座监狱。我们设在海外各殖民地的监狱现在绝大多数都已经迁回本土了,只有这一处还保留着。在这片群岛上还有一个坚固的军事要塞,尽管一般平民看来,这处堡垒远不如马耳他或直布罗陀海峡的天险那样壮观。此外,岛上还大约有六千白人和六千黑人在这里繁衍生息、生老病死。 The convict establishment is the most notable feature of Bermuda to a stranger, but it does not seem to attract much attention from the regular inhabitants of the place. There is no intercourse between the prisoners and the Bermudians. The convicts are rarely seen by them, and the convict islands are rarely visited. As to the prisoners themselves, of course it is not open to them—or should not be open to them—to have intercourse with any but the prison authorities. 对于外人来说,百慕大最引人注意的特色就是这座监狱了,然而当地居民却似乎很少注意到它。犯人和百慕大岛民之间是没有任何来往的。当地人极少能看到那些犯人,而这片关押犯人的群岛也鲜有访客。至于那些囚犯们,除了和监狱当局打交道外,当然是不允许——或者说不该被允许——与任何人有所接触的。 There have, however, been instances in which convicts have escaped from their confinement, and made their way out among the islands. Poor wretches! As a rule, there is but little chance for any that can so escape. The whole length of the cluster is but twenty miles, and the breadth is under four. The prisoners are, of course, white men, and the lower orders of Bermuda, among whom alone could a runagate have any chance of hiding himself, are all negroes; so that such a one would be known at once. Their clothes are all marked. Their only chance of a permanent escape would be in the hold of an American ship; but what captain of an American or other ship would willingly encumber himself with an escaped convict? But, nevertheless, men have escaped; and in one instance, I believe, a convict got away, so that of him no farther tidings were ever heard. 然而,越狱事件还是时有发生,犯人们逃出来后就流窜到了其他岛上。可怜的家伙们!一般来说,这种越狱的机会并不多。这片群岛总长度只不过二十英里,而宽度还不到四英里。囚犯们当然都是白人,逃犯若想藏身,只有混迹于百慕大下层社会的老百姓中间,然而这些老百姓却恰恰都是黑人,因此逃犯会被一眼认出来。而且,他们的衣服都是有标记的。远走高飞的唯一机会就是设法躲进一艘美国船里面。但是,不论是美国船,还是其他什么船,有哪位船长会愿意自找麻烦来庇护一个逃犯呢?但不管怎样,还是有人逃掉,比方说,据我所知,有一个犯人逃跑后便销声匿迹了。 For the truth of the following tale I will not by any means vouch. If one were to inquire on the spot one might probably find that the ladies all believe it, and the old men; that all the young men know exactly how much of it is false and how much true; and that the steady, middle-aged, well-to-do islanders are quite convinced that it is romance from beginning to end. My readers may range themselves with the ladies, the young men, or the steady, well-to-do, middle-aged islanders, as they please. 下面的故事是否属实我无法担保。如果有人去当地打听,他可能会发现,那里的妇女和老人相信确有其事;年轻人会确切地说出多少是真,多少是假;而岛上那些行事稳重、生活富裕的中年人则会肯定地说这从头至尾不过是个传奇而已。我的读者们愿意去相信妇女们、年轻人,还是稳重富有的中年人,悉听尊便吧。 Some years ago, soon after the prison was first established on its present footing, three men did escape from it, and among them a certain notorious prisoner named Aaron Trow. Trow’s antecedents in England had not been so villanously bad as those of many of his fellow-convicts, though the one offence for which he was punished had been of a deep dye: he had shed man’s blood. At a period of great distress in a manufacturing town he had led men on to riot, and with his own hand had slain the first constable who had endeavoured to do his duty against him. There had been courage in the doing of the deed, and probably no malice; but the deed, let its moral blackness have been what it might, had sent him to Bermuda, with a sentence against him of penal servitude for life. Had he been then amenable to prison discipline,—even then, with such a sentence against him as that,—he might have won his way back, after the lapse of years, to the children, and perhaps, to the wife, that he had left behind him; but he was amenable to no rules—to no discipline. His heart was sore to death with an idea of injury, and he lashed himself against the bars of his cage with a feeling that it would be well if he could so lash himself till he might perish in his fury. 几年前,这座监狱刚在此地建起不久,有三个犯人越狱,其中一个臭名昭著,那便是艾伦·特罗。特罗在英格兰的先辈并不像牢里其他犯人的前辈那样恶贯满盈,只是他自己却因为犯了重罪而被判刑:他杀了人。那座工业城市当时正处在一个极度贫困的时期,他带头闹事并亲手打死了第一个上前来执行命令阻拦他的警察。做这件事要有胆量,而且或许他也并无恶意。道德上的事我们暂且不去管它,但正是这一举动使得特罗被送到了百慕大,并被判终生做苦役。如果当时他能够顺从,老老实实在监狱里服役——即使被判了那样的重刑之后——他还是有机会获得自由的,几年之后还可以回去和孩子们团聚,或许,还可以回到被他丢下的妻子身边。可是在当时,他不服法、不服从任何管教。他感到受了极大的伤害,心痛至极。他不顾一切地撞向牢房的栏杆,仿佛他宁愿就这样挣扎下去,在狂怒中灭亡。


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